Trying to manage the available cooling capacity between IT devices and the facility is a balancing act that can be time consuming and costly if the right tools are not available. Without visually seeing where you have hot spots, you are risking unplanned downtime and jeopardizing the useful life of your IT equipment.
Chasing Hot Spots
Have a true grasp of your resources and their location
Solution: Thermal visualization that pinpoint hot spots instantly
Wasting Cooling Airflow
Increase overall operations with efficient cooling capabilities
Solution: Set exhaust temperature sensors to thresholds that equal input sensors
Downtime from Cooling Issues
Reduce unexpected outages by balancing the thermal environment
Solution: Analyze and monitor real-time conditions to manage capacity and uptime
Determine Equipment Placement
Have a clear understanding of where there are capacity restrictions and where there is availability
Solution: Plan for future growth by determining the best location for adding new IT devices when balancing cooling capacity