Liebert EXL S1 100kW - 1200kW
Liebert EXL, the new generation of 80-NET UPS, delivers unsurpassed performance to medium-large data centers as a result of proven track record, successes, a reliable large installed base and more than 10 years of acquired experience with the 80-NETtechnology.
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Liebert EXL S1 100kW - 1200kW
Liebert EXL, the new generation of 80-NET UPS, delivers unsurpassed performance to medium-large data centers as a result of proven track record, successes, a reliable large installed base and more than 10 years of acquired experience with the 80-NETtechnology.
*To see model-specific downloads, you will need to go to the model-specific product page by selecting the model name in the specifications chart above.