Liebert MC Microchannel Outdoor Condenser, 28 - 220kW
The Liebert MC Microchannel Condenser is an outdoor air-cooled condenser that provides higher efficiency, while using less refrigerant. Features such as variable speed fans, advanced controls and a microchannel coil make this system uniquely innovative.
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- Education
- Data CenterColocationHosting
- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Government
- Healthcare
- Retail and Wholesale
Liebert MC Microchannel Outdoor Condenser, 28 - 220kW
The Liebert MC Microchannel Condenser is an outdoor air-cooled condenser that provides higher efficiency, while using less refrigerant. Features such as variable speed fans, advanced controls and a microchannel coil make this system uniquely innovative.
- Education
- Data CenterColocationHosting
- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Government
- Healthcare
- Retail and Wholesale
20-50% lighter installed weight
Variable-speed EC fans
Technische Daten
- Physical Characteristics
- Gewicht (lb/kg)
- 359-1835
- Gewicht (lb/kg)
- 163-832
- Höhe (in/mm)
- 63
- Höhe (in/mm)
- 160
- Breite (in/mm)
- 76-256
- Breite (in/mm)
- 193-650
- Tiefe (in/mm)
- 36
- Tiefe (in/mm)
- 91