Albér Continuous Load Units – CLU
These DC load units, which have automatic control and can interface with the BCT-2000, may be used in both constant power or current applications. Covers are available for DC load units.
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- Atomkraft
- Chemie/Petrochemie (ohne Öl und Gas)
- Öl und Gas
- Stromerzeugung
- Übertragung und Verteilung von Strom/Gas
Albér Continuous Load Units – CLU
These DC load units, which have automatic control and can interface with the BCT-2000, may be used in both constant power or current applications. Covers are available for DC load units.
- Atomkraft
- Chemie/Petrochemie (ohne Öl und Gas)
- Öl und Gas
- Stromerzeugung
- Übertragung und Verteilung von Strom/Gas